We all suffer from missing or chipped teeth, falling out of teeth at some or other point of time in life. Missing and decayed teeth are not only aesthetically unpleasant but also makes eating or talking difficult. Furthermore, decaying teeth can lead to gum disease, which has been related to a variety of other health problems. If you have lost one or more teeth due to injury, untreated tooth decay or disease, your dentist may recommend dentures to avoid these issues from occurring.

The practise of replacing missing teeth with dentures has been used by denture clinics in Ballarat and all over Australia for decades. There are different types of dentures available, viz. full dentures, partial dentures, custom dentures, immediate dentures, snap-in dentures, implant-supported dentures, upper dentures, over dentures and economy dentures.

How do you determine when dentures are a better option than alternative treatments? The best way is to look at the pros and cons of dentures.

Pros of Dentures:

  1. Quick procedure

When compared to other operations, such as dental implants, denture operations take less time. Implant procedures necessitate multiple visits to the dental surgeon in Ballarat or the suburb you live in, usually over six months. Dentures, on the other hand, can take two to six weeks to design, complete and insert.

  1. Additional support to the jaw

The muscles in your mouth and jaw weaken as you become older. Dentures give your jaw and mouth muscles more support, resulting in a more natural appearance of your mouth, jaw and cheekbones.

  1. Resemble natural teeth in appearance and feel

Your dentures will appear and feel perfectly natural after a short adjustment time. Most people won’t be able to identify that you’re wearing dentures.

  1. Dentures help you eat more effectively

Some foods are difficult to eat when teeth are missing. You can eat foods like apple slices or nuts after the adjustment phase is through. However, you should consult your dentist about what foods you may eat and how to eat them while wearing dentures; one of the most effective ways is to cut food into smaller pieces before eating.

  1. Improves facial appearance

Dentures, which serve as a replacement for your natural teeth, improve your facial appearance and provide you with a better smile. Dentures support the rest of the face’s bone structure. This improves the appearance of your chin and cheeks, making you appear younger and fresher, and thus more confident.

  1. Dentures are relatively inexpensive

Dentures are one of the most cost-effective dental procedures. They can also be prescribed for people of all ages.

Cons of dentures:

  1. Dentures aren’t always the permanent solution

Your dentures may need to be replaced every 5 to 8 years. This is because your face structure changes as you get older, and your present dentures may no longer suit your mouth.

  1. Dentures need an adjustment period

When you first start wearing dentures, you may have some issues. While wearing them, you will need to take breaks to eat and speak. Ask the denture clinic in Ballarat for advice on how you can quickly adjust to them.

  1. Dentures might cause infection

This can only happen if the dentures aren’t properly fitted. Yeast infections are caused by ill-fitting dentures, with yeast developing in the moist parts of your mouth.

  1. Dentures may impair one’s ability to taste food

While you may still be able to eat, you may find it difficult to taste your meal because your denture covers the top palate in your mouth and the palate plays a role in taste and scent. Additionally, if dentures are not properly cleaned, leftover deposits on the dentures can cause halitosis and an unpleasant taste in the mouth.

  1. Gagging can be a problem with dentures

Some patients may experience this if they do not adjust well to dentures. This could also mean that you won’t be able to wear your dentures all day. Dentures that are overextended into sensitive areas, such as the backsides of your tongue and throat or the soft tissue on the roof of your mouth, might cause gagging.

  1. Dentures may need to be re-fitted constantly

Dentures may need to be adjusted regularly to ensure that they fit properly. Stomatitis is an inflammation of the mouth and lips caused by prolonged irritation from ill-fitting dentures.

If you’re considering dentures, consult a clinic that performs cosmetic dentistry in Ballarat or the place of your residence. Further, the above pros and cons can help you decide whether or not to choose dentures for your teeth issues.