When you are visiting a brothel for the first time, chances are you will be nervous about the whole experience and environment. And you may also feel daunted or afraid about what others might think about you.

Well, visiting brothels is a lot more safe and secure than randomly searching for persons in dating apps or at outside bars. All the sex workers working at these places are experienced, friendly, and give you what exactly you want.

However, there are certain things that you need to do after you’ve decided to visit the place. And below are the answers to the questions that might pop into your brain when thinking about visiting brothels.

  1. Is it licensed and legal?

Brothels are licensed and legal but not in the whole of Australia. It is legal only in two cities – Melbourne and Brisbane. They operate under a legalised framework.

So, make sure you go to these cities before the idea of visiting sex workers come into your mind.

  1. What to do on arrival?

Most brothels in Melbourne have off-street parking and a discreet side or back entrance for privacy. Usually, the parking is at a place where you can’t recognise it on normal days. It is maintained discreetly.

Once you’ve parked and arrived at the place, you have to get buzzed in to enter the building. There are video cameras where they check whether to let you in or not.

After entering, a manager will escort you to the front desk where they explain how they work (if you’re a first-timer), or else they will take you to the intro room. You have to wait there with the other clients where you get to see the sex workers introducing themselves.

  1. What is the price structure and payment process?

Brothels have their price structure with a combined payment for brothels and service providers. They have the packages (standard and deluxe) based on the time you want to spend with the service provider. Usually, the rates are fixed between 20 minutes and an hour. And you can extend if you want to.

In a nutshell, choose the package and book for the time suitable to you.

  1. What is included as standard?

In the standard package, there are only basic jobs involved like massage, hand job, vaginal sex and oral on you. And you are allowed to ejaculate only once.

So, if you’re not satisfied with what’s included in the standard package, you can go for deluxe or ask for the extras (these should be discussed with the sex worker).

  1. How do you select your partner?

Selecting a partner is usually done in the intro room. All the sex workers will come and introduce themselves and ask you whether you have any questions. You can talk there about your needs and check whether the sex worker is providing them or not. It’s because not all sex workers provide everything you want.

Once all the ladies have introduced themselves, the manager will come and ask you about your selection. You can tell the name or number and pay the amount on the spot. Later you will be taken to another room where you have to shower and clean yourself up before the real work begins.

Tip: You have to know that all sex workers judge you the same way you do it to them (and they also have the right to refuse you). So, make sure you present your best behaviour.

  1. Do they cater to your tastes/sexual interests?

As discussed before, not all sex workers provide everything you are interested in. And not all the services are included in the standard package. You have to discuss beforehand your sexual interests when you are choosing the service provider.

And if you come off as a rude person or force anything on the sex worker, they stop whatever they are doing and you will be asked to go out from the parlour. You have to remember that these parlours have many rules that are in favour of the service providers.

  1. Etiquette and hygiene

Etiquette and hygiene are considered the most important because both you and the service providers don’t want to contract anything from each other.

In brothels, you will have to clean yourself neatly and present in your best form. Also, expect them to check your private parts for any signs of infections and other irregularities. And most important, do wear a condom every time for protection from sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Well, here it is, the beginner’s guide you should read before visiting brothels. Keep these in mind and have a pleasant experience with the service providers.